Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Day 20: Garfield's Most Hated Day

Yes, that's right, day 20 was another Monday.

The day started with sleeping in, and catching up on work on my computer. We didn't have any classes to go to in the morning, so I took the opportunity to try to organize Astronomy Club stuff, work on Python, and just relax in general. I knew it was going to be a long week, because Greg wanted us all to go to as many classes as we could this week to try to get more hours and see more teaching styles.

About 1 pm, I headed over to Campus A for Heat Transfer and Prob and Stats.

After Prob and Stats, all of us (excluding Alexandra, who we later found out was in the hospital for an allergic reaction and Pablo, who had already gone home) went to a fish place behind Campus A.
To get there, we had to walk through a huge outdoor market, which had everything, from multiple fruit stands to clothing and shoe stores and even an outdoor butcher shop, with many types of sausages and skinned frog legs.

Getting into the restaurant, we tried to sit down, but were herded back outside by the workers. The Chinese speakers in the group were saying that we were going to get a private room, so we all followed. However, when we started walking, we kept going....past the end of the restaurant. Just when I had resigned myself to the fact that they didn't want our business, Greg called out to them in Chinese, and we headed back into the crowded restaurant.
 It was a family style restaurant, which, according to Greg and the Chinese TAs, is a lot more common in China than in the States. There were boiled peanuts still in the shell set on the table, and dishware wrapped in plastic. A pot of tea was also quickly brought out for us. Trying the boiled peanuts, they were similar to what we had on Friday night before the chicken chestnut soup, but still a bit too slimy and cold for my taste.
 Greg had been there before with another professor who was staff for the JCI program, and proceeded to order for us. This place was known for its fish smothered in vegetables and sauce that finishes cooking at the table over hot coals. There were four types, and he ordered all four for us.
The spicy fish was denoted by the suffix, "la", and three of the four fish were "la".

 Trying the two least spicy fish, I enjoyed both of them a lot. We started talking about some of the vegetables, including the lotus root, and Greg suggested a couple action shots of me eating it.
With the meal, we also had rice and the same protein bean milk from the large family style meals at the other restaurants.

Over dinner, there were also several interesting conversations, including Jessica and I talking to Suri and Celia about their views on makeup, which eventually led to the conclusion that we needed to have a girl's night at some point throughout the semester.

 Around 9 o clock, we headed out to catch the shuttle back to campus D. We also ran into a tree that looked suspiciously like an an avocado with the green covering over the cut off tree branch.

Heading home, I got ready for the next day, hyped up for the rest of the last week before the month long holiday.


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