Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Day 13: Monday again

My second week of class started off with statics, and biking to campus D, I was ready to start the day.

One note about the classes here that I'm not sure if I made 100% clear. They have a bell system, with the beginning of each class being denoted with a series of bells, which are rather pleasant (and remind me slightly of the Beijing airport announcements, but without words.) Then there is a 45 minute class, a 10 minute break, and then 45 minutes more of the same class, all denoted by the bells. Apparently, that's how all universities in China work (and I have heard that some students in China can't imagine how college could function without them).

But this week, it was finals week at CQU for all students except for JCI students, so they turned off all the bells. So Prof Wong had to reorient himself and start class on his own. There were some practice problems, and I got to teach the class a way to do a simple statics problem using vector notation. It turns out that he wanted us to use laws of sines or cosines, but I was taught using vector notation...but I got the right answer anyway, so all is well.

After class, I went to the on campus store with Nick and Jessica to get some flash drives. We found out that the card reader that I had gotten the other day was not a flash drive as well. We went to the phone store at first, but I thought that the flash drives were too expensive, and we headed to the next store. Then we found out that a lot of the things I thought were flash drives were actually card readers, and the flash drives were about the same price as the other store. So we ended up getting it there. Jessica also got eggs for lunch, and we got pears, apples and strawberries to split.

I decided to go to lunch, and decided to give the chicken sandwich shop a try. It wasn't fantastic, but it was ok for a change. The chicken was a bit too sweet for my taste, and the fries were salty, but still soggy, so I may not go back unless I'm really craving Western food on campus (although it isn't the best imitation of it.

Not as good as the chicken and fries in Cincy, in my opinion

After that, I started to recopy my Heat Transfer notes into the new notebook for it. I had also forgotten my water bottle, so I grabbed a water bottle and a blueberry snack that looked interesting as well.   Then I headed over to the bus stop, and got on the bus to Campus A for heat transfer. I got there early on purpose so I could work on my sketch of the pond at the Foreign Languages Reading Garden.

Actual pond versus my half finished sketch of it

I sat through the lecture, telling Pablo about how I had seen another side of the cranky professor I rode on the bus with on Friday. Afterwards, I was starving, so I tried the blueberry thing, and it turned out to be four pieces of bread with blueberry jam between 2 pieces, a sweet cream between 2 other pieces, and another cream between the other two. It was pretty good, but too sweet for when I'm really hungry like that. I'd get it again for a snack though.

I then sat through the Prob and Stats lecture right after with Will. I ran to get some dinner, and put it into a to go bowl. Then I rode back home, not wanting to sit in on any other classes. On the way back home, I found out some bad news, and I found out that I had to also reorganize Astronomy Club.

Being president of Astronomy Club while in China was proving to be more difficult than I thought. It was something that the club decided on as a whole, that is, not to have reelections since the other two officers were going to be in Cincinnati. But now I found out that we had to find a new VP, and I had to reorganize some stuff. I also found out that my online class (Philosophy of Ethics, for the philosophy minor I want to get, because A. I like philosophy and the logical writing and thinking it entails, and B. I would like to keep patent law open as an option for grad school) had weekly assignments.

Getting home, I ate a bit of my dinner, tried to settle things a little bit, tried to watch some Doctor Who and gave up on all three, as I couldn't focus on any of them with lots of things running through my mind.

Trying to get some sleep, I tried to get ready for the next day.

(P.s. Since the blog is getting a little bit monotonous, since work and other business things are taking over, I'll only be posting a couple times a week, so don't worry if you don't see anything new for a few days! )


  1. Hello Zoe! I have been following your blog. It seems that you are very busy. I love you and I want you to enjoy yourself. I am not surprised that you got homesick. It happens. Just enjoy your time. I'll be thinking about you and pray for you. Today, is the first day I have been out since Thur.,1/5/17, since it was very cold I could not go out with my asthma. Take care of yourself.Lots of love,kisses and hugs. Mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Hi, Mom! It's good to know that everything's good on your side and that you've been keeping up with my escapades. I love you too!
