Sunday, January 15, 2017

Day 18 and 19: Exhaustion

 Days 18 and 19 was the second weekend after work, and I felt like mostly sleeping and catching up on things.

I woke up relatively early (around 10) considering the late night I had had, and found out 3 of my best friends in the US had gotten together to watch anime. I decided to skype them, and they also video called another friend of mine, so it became a party of sorts.
I wasn't feeling well, so I wasn't sure if I was going to go out or not, but I decided to ask Jessica for some pain medicine. After a couple hours, I felt well enough to go eat, and decided to work on the blog, learn some more Python, and watch more anime.

Around 6 pm, Jessica and I went out for dinner on campus. We both got the bowl of noodles that we had the first day in Chong Qing, but I couldn't finish it all. We had also went to go look for pain medicine and some personal products, but couldn't find the medicine. So...if you're heading to China, bring your own pain medicine with you.

Jessica decided to go to the large supermarket in Sunny Block (which I still haven't gone to, to my chagrin), but I didn't feel like traveling all the way down that way, and decided to go sit by the pond on Campus D and draw. It was too dark to draw, so I ended up writing a poem and enjoying the light show on the pond as well. There was a couple sitting in the spot I normally sit, so I decided to go the other way and let them enjoy their time together.

Pictures of the light show on the pond
Biking back, I loved the scent of the tree blossoms that seem to inundiate certain areas of campus. It's such a strong natural perfume, but it's a gorgeous smell (if those two words make sense together).
Finishing up the night, I worked on some philosophy homework for my online class, some more Python, chatted online, and headed to sleep.

Sunday morning, I got up and skyped a friend, and worked on more philosophy homework, enjoying some strawberries for breakfast. About noon, Jessica and I had a bible study with a lesson from her friend, who is a small group leader for a campus ministry at home. However, afterwards, this quickly evolved into a roommate heart to heart talk. Afterwards, Dom, Nick, Jessica, and I were deciding where to go for our month off, and we decided to go to Beijing, the Forbidden City in it, Xi'an, which has the Terra Cotta warriors, stop by Shanghai, and Hangzhou, which is Rebecca's home city, so she could show us around her city!

While waiting on plans to be settled, I worked on stuff for heat transfer, this blog, and tried to eat some of my leftover noodles, but they didn't sit well with my stomach. So later the four of us decided to go to the dining hall. After miscommunications with the dumpling stand, Jessica and I got my favorite tomato bread.

Heading back to campus, a Chinese student (who was VERY animated) and her friend stopped us, wanting to know about us and where we were from. She also started giving us travel advice, and as we were walking toward Huxi, they ran into two of their friends, one of which tagged along. When we got to the intersection though, the girls ran off down the road, saying their "see you laters". Startled by their sudden exit, we all laughed it off, and headed into the convenience store to pick up some snacks.

To my surprise, the orange juice came with free tissue packs in celebration of the Chinese New Year. If you weren't aware, the Chinese don't really have free napkins (or even toilet paper), and they have to carry around tissue paper for these things.

Heading back, we finalized travel plans, finding out we would be able to go to all of these cities (including travel and lodging) for roughly $400 US dollars! The cheaper rates in China are fantastic!

We hung out for a while, watching online videos, dividing up costs and chatting, and I also worked on my blog, my co op report, and Python, heading to sleep soon after.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like FUN. You are making me tired just reading about all you are doing. Be careful. I love you. Hugs and Kisses, MOM.
